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Writer: Olivia FreemanOlivia Freeman


Equine Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation involves the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions.

In the early stages of discomfort most horses will show signs of pain from subtle eye movements and tension through the body. Their ears could be pinned back, and they could be reluctant to walk, trot or canter.

Owners should be constantly on the lookout for signs such as this and if found, should seek the opinion of a vet. Equine Sports Therapists need to have permission from the vet in order to treat a horse so it’s important to contact your vet before booking an equine therapist.

Horses ranging from pleasure horses to high powered competition horses can all benefit from a massage. If a horse is involved in a high stress activity or situation massage can help you’re your horse’s nerves and adjust to new environments. The level of activity the horse is in this will determine the amount of treatment they need, and how regularly they need it. Most horses, in medium levels of work will have Sports Therapy treatment every 6-12 weeks.

Equine Sports Therapy is an aspect that is often overlooked or seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. This shouldn’t be the case. Would you continually run your car without booking a service or MOT when it tells you to?- NO! Therefore, listen to your horse; they’re trying to tell us something!

So if you feel your horse is showing these traits and you would be interested in seeking some Equine Sports Therapy work then please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Remember it’s super warm out there at the moment so ensure fly masks, spray and heaps of water is accessible for our four-legged friends!

Until next time,


BSc Hons Sports Therapy MSST

MSc Strength and Conditioning

Equine Sports Massage & Rehabilitation Therapist






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