Now, with summer finally arriving here in the UK, albeit a little late, how many of us can truthfully say we’ve upped our water intake during these hot days?
What is ‘good’ hydration?
Good hydration means getting the right amount of water into our bodies. This is particularly important before, during & after exercise. Water regulates our bodies temperature and helps lubricate our joints. The more water we consume the more effective we are at transporting nutrients around our body to fuel us with energy and to keep us healthy. A lack of sufficient hydration can lead to poor performance both in day to day activities and sporting events (Meyer et al. 2019).
Signs of dehydration
Dizziness or a lightheaded feeling
Nausea or vomiting
Muscle cramps
Dry mouth
Lack of sweat
Hard and fast heartbeat
The benefits of sufficient hydration

Fluid balance
Muscle fuel
Clearer skin
Productivity boost
Toxic remover
Joints greaser
Brain boost
Calorie control
Blood normaliser
Fatigue buster
Surely, it’s a no brainer? HYDRATION IS KEY!
So remember, while it is this hot outside, we have to look after what is on the inside!
I hope this was a super easy to read blog,
Speak soon & enjoy the sunshine!
BSc Hons Sports Therapy MSST
MSc Strength and Conditioning
Meyer, F, Timmons, B, W, Wilk, B and GT Leites (2019), ‘Water: hydration and sports drinks’, Nutrition and Enhanced Sports, 545-554.
