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Writer's picture: Olivia FreemanOlivia Freeman



A lunge is a single leg exercise that mostly targets your glutes, quads and hamstrings. It is a

multi-joint movement mimicking many actions that we take throughout daily life and athletic activities.

In addition to this, the core and torso ensure stability and balance throughout the movement. The lunge helps to develop lower body strength & endurance and they are a great exercise for beginners as well as establishing & enhancing the training fundamentals.


Start and Finish Position

Stand with your feet hip width apart

Tense your core as if you’re bracing ready for a punch (some can relate, some not so much!!)

The Forward Movement

Take a big step forward with the leg of your choice. Shifting your weight forward so your heel hits the floor first

The Decent

Once a flat foot is established lower your body until the front thigh is parallel to the floor and front shin is vertical. The rear knee should hover slightly from the ground

*REMEMBER* it is more than okay if the knee shifts forwards our bodies are made to move!

Ideally, try to keep your torso & upper body upright and a neutral spine

The Ascent

Press your weight firmly through the front foot as you proceed upwards and returning to the start position


  1. Establish a strong stance

  2. Have good contact with floor, don’t let the heel of your front foot lift off the floor

  3. Keep chest up

  4. When stepping forward ensure not only the step forward is big but that it is relatively wide. You don’t want it to be narrow- like you’re on a tightrope as this significantly reduces your balance!

  5. Finish strong


  • Strengthens your core and lower body

  • Reduces the risk of injury

  • Can be used as a rehabilitation exercises when experiencing hip, knee and ankle pain

  • Improves sporting ability as it has a great carry over to walking & running

  • Varied movement keeps motivation (reverse lunge, walking lunge, lateral lunge, curtsey lunge, clock lunge and jumping lunges)

  • Versatile on location

Now that we are allowed to be back in the gyms it is key to not forget the foundations of training. There are many variations of the lunge (listed above) as well as progressions that can be made (weight, speed, repetitions and sets). Really hoping you found this blog useful when wanting to finesse your lunge!

Thanks again for reading, hope this was helpful!


BSc Hons Sports Therapy MSST

MSc Strength and Conditioning




UKSCA- The UK Strength & Conditioning Association

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