The glute bridge, similarly, to the squat, works the entire back of your legs and your glutes. Specifically, it targets your hamstrings and gluteus maximus. However, areas of the core and abdominals are touched upon when completing this movement. This is important to prevent arching in the lower back when lifting the pelvis and thus, reducing the risk of injury.
Start and Finish Position
Lie with your back on the mat, knees bent
Place your feet flat on the mat, hip-width apart and close enough that the calves are vertical
Keep the back of your head flat and in contact with the mat
Ensure arms are in a comfortable position, mostly found lying by your side
Going Up
Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips, lower back and glutes forming a straight line
Your knees shouldn’t touch during the entire movement (aim for a fist width distance between knees)
Try to lift through the glutes, not pushing up with the arms
Coming Down
After holding the top position for an allotted amount of time (this can vary depending on the programme you’re following or the principle of training you’re aiming for)
Lower your body down. Once lowered, lift up again
Try to make sure your glutes remain tense throughout the entire movement
Engaging your stomach prevents arching of your lower back
After your allocated number of reps (determined through training goal or outlined in a programme) take a short break (this may also be indicated on your programme) and then repeat the movement
Breathe properly (exhale when exerting, inhale when it becomes easier)
Avoid forced breathing
Keep your back straight by engaging your abdomen
Keep your head down and in contact with the mat
Position your legs hip-width apart
Press with your feet
Strengthens your core and lower body
Focuses on your glutes that maybe weaker from prolonged sitting (due to work)
Can relieve lower back and knee pain
Can be made harder (feet elevated, single leg, weight added, hip press)
Versatile on location with initially minimal equipment needed
Can be used as a fundamental when going into bigger lifts (squats & deadlifts- coming soon!)
Next time you’re asked to complete a glute bridge or even are researching an exercise that targets the glutes & lower body, please do take a read of this blog. Education is key and an understanding of the desired outcome leads to progression, improvements and that all important confidence!
Thanks again for reading,
BSc Hons Sports Therapy MSST
MSc Strength and Conditioning
Foodspring 2021