Did you know resistance bands can be a great tool to help with injuries. They can be utilised at the start of the strength building phase of rehabilitation as well as encourage stability, increase function of the injured area, improve range of motion and decrease pain.
Examples of injuries that can benefit from early-stage resistance band rehabilitation
Shoulder pain/dislocation
Tennis elbow
Runner’s knee
Hip bursitis
Sprains and strains in and around a joint
Resistance bands are a great start to rehabilitation as the amount of resistance elicited can vary based on progression and regression required as the injury responds to exercises. They are inexpensive and come with a range of resistance to ensure injuries have the best chance of recovery. They are portable and easy to use with demonstration and therefore, there is no reason to not do your homework!
Get the most out of resistance band rehabilitation
Keep the movements slow and measured
Resist the urge to increase the pace, volume, frequency and resistance too quickly
Try to recreate the same environment for rehabilitation each time (distance from resistance band attachment etc)
Many injuries occur and have a combined element of pain, range of motion limitations, strength deficits and proprioception regressions. Using a resistance band that creates an element of instability and the need to have awareness of body & band when rehabilitating, plays a huge role within one’s recovery.
Thank you for taking the time to read this short, but sweet blog. If you’re suffering with an injury, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the contact information below!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Well wishes,
BSc Hons Sports Therapy MSST
MSc Strength and Conditioning
