We all know that being active and participating in a regular workout program is good for our mind, body and soul. But sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to hold ourselves accountable for exercise.
Sometimes, life can get in the way and our busy schedules can leave us needing to miss out on things in order to fit other things in.
Below are some super handy tips that you can repeatedly look upon when needing that extra little bit of motivation!
Motivational tips
Define your ‘why’- this will give you a personal or emotional investment into your goals.
Pick a cause- if you’re training for a race, running for a charity can help motivate you to continue training. If you’ve got a reason for training, whether that’s weight loss, getting stronger etc this can help you too.
Always have a back up- have a change of workout clothes in your car or work bag. Plans can change and feeling down about that is understandable, but if you have the option to train as a replacement, it’ll help you feel better.
Put your training in your diary- factor in your workouts weekly so that you know what you’re doing each week.
Allow for rest- if you’re not allowing for recovery it’ll be even harder to find the motivation to train. Be kind to yourself.
Lighten up your goals- the goal you’ve set may not be achievable right now and that’s okay. But lets make ourselves feel better by setting realistic goals.
Track your progress- it’ll give you confidence when you can see yourself developing and it’ll encourage you to continue your hard work.
Try and delete guilt- this is a hard one, but life can sometimes get in the way. Time is never wasted when you’re doing all that you need to do to make yourself happy and your life easy.
Focus only on yourself- it’s okay, and oh so natural to compare ourselves to others, but let’s not lose sight of ourselves.
Have support- surround yourselves with likeminded people and those that are your biggest cheerleaders, it’ll motivate you to keep going!
Find the fun- it’s important to love what you do.
Variety- make the training different to avoid boredom.
Make it convenient- if it’s hard work to get there or fit it in you’re more likely to find reasons to not train, so avoid making it any harder than it needs to be!
Forget the past- if you’ve never been sporty or a gym goer that’s okay, now’s time to make a change!
Reward yourself- when you’ve achieved your goal, no matter what it is, treat yourself with a well-deserved WELL DONE!
These are just a handful of tips that I find help when I’m in a training funk- and best believe; it happens!
Hope you find this helpful, now time for the gym!

BSc Hons Sports Therapy MSST
MSc Strength and Conditioning
