Here at Injury Recovery Equine, we aim to not only look after the rider but also to ensure our 4 legged friends do not go without necessary treatment! Horse riders can attain various injuries/niggles/imbalances throughout their riding life. To the normal eye, these would seem manageable and easily resolved. However, sometimes this is not the case. This is because every time they're getting back on their horse they're completing the same compensatory actions to support their horse throughout the training session. Thus, causing a reaction within themselves resulting in the flared up issue once again.
Therefore, not only would Injury Recovery need to fix the rider but also the horse would immensely benefit from treatment and corrective behaviour. Once horse and rider are reconnected and balanced a much more comfortable and fluid experience can be had by both members of the partnership!
Sessions will consist of a subjective history attained by the owner as well as an insight as to what you think might be going on. After all, you know your horse the best and if their character has changed, albeit a small detail, informing us will allow for effective assessment and treatment. Once a clear understanding has been attained through the initial assessment, follow up treatments will be booked accordingly.
!Remember that a vet should have given authorisation for Injury Recovery Equine to perform any treatment!
*Please Note* Equine appointments are to be booked via 'Contact' so that necessary communication can take place prior to booking.

Initial Consultation (1.5hr) - £65
60 minute Follow Up - £55
10% discount will be applied when there are 3 or more treatments at the same location.
The above prices include travel within a 15mile radius of Saffron Walden. Thereafter, mileage will be charged at 40p per mile. Cash or bank transfer are accepted.